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* Waseem DS (February 22, 2023 - Wednesday, 03:19 PM )
Create new topic : Why does acne slow down skin aging? Dermatologists named 3 reasons
It\'s not just that people with acne earlier turn to cosmetologists. There are at least three arguments in favor of the version that the skin of people with acne ages more slowly than others. [br] »
* Waseem DS (February 22, 2023 - Wednesday, 03:01 PM )
Create new topic : What components of a healthy lifestyle do you focus on the most?
A healthy lifestyle, abbreviated as a healthy one, for most people is nothing more than proper nutrition, physical activity, and rejecting bad habits. There are many more components of this concept. »
* Waseem DS (February 22, 2023 - Wednesday, 02:49 PM )
Create new topic : Do Left-handers live less Work than right-handers: truth or myth? The neurologist answers
Do Left-handers live less Work than right-handers: truth or myth? The neurologist answers Many studies answer the question of why someone writes with his left hand and someone with his right. While s »

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