logoForum - Exercise reduces risk of death in breast cancer survivors: Study
Health | Exercise reduces risk of death in breast cancer survivors: Study
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* Created by: November 23, 2022 - Wednesday, 06:59 AM
Name: Exercise reduces risk of death in breast cancer survivors: Study
California: A new study has found that moderate but consistent exercise can reduce the risk of death in breast cancer survivors by up to 60 percent. In one study, scientists in California examined 315 postmenopausal women who had survived breast cancer. In these women, the initial diagnosis of the disease was made at least two years ago.


The researchers interviewed the study participants between 2013 and 2015 and continued to observe them until the participant's death or the end of the study in April of this year.
The activity questionnaire looked at the duration of at least 15 minutes of exercise per week.

The participants, whose average age was 71 years, were divided into three groups based on their amount of exercise: active, moderately active or insufficiently active.

Those who did less than 15 minutes of continuous exercise over a seven-day period were considered insufficiently active.

The study, published in JAMA Networks Open, found that active and moderately active people had a 60 percent lower risk of death.

Researchers are now pushing to include exercise in treatment because the findings suggest that even moderate amounts of activity can be important in prolonging survival.

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the world. Each year, 270,000 cases are diagnosed in the United States, while more than 55,000 new cases are reported in the United Kingdom.
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