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Smartphones | Why the iPhone 14 Will Exceed Expectations
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* Created by: May 07, 2022 - Thursday, 05:51 AM
Name: Why the iPhone 14 Will Exceed Expectations
Why the iPhone 14 Will Exceed Expectations: The iPhone has long been the gold standard in the smartphone world. The iPhone 14 will be no different, with its state-of-the-art features and design that make it the best iPhone ever and one of the best smartphones on the market. Here are some top reasons why the iPhone 14 will exceed your expectations.


Apple will make it slightly larger

Apple has learned from a host of mistakes that were made in previous models of the iPhone. They've redesigned many aspects, including screen size, resolution, and storage capacity. The iPhone 14 will cost $899 for a 32GB phone. It is projected to sell between 8-10 million units in its first day alone. One reason consumers are excited about buying an iPhone 14 is that Apple has listened to its customer base and upgraded several aspects customers have requested. The better battery life will allow users to make it through an entire day without needing to charge their phones multiple times throughout the day like they've had to do with previous models.

Apple will increase screen resolution

It has become expected that Apple will increase the screen resolution on each generation of iPhone, and the iPhone 14 won't disappoint. We expect a 1792 x 1296 display to add up to 552 pixels per inch and allow for a pixel density that is 64% higher than the iPhone 13 (we wouldn't be surprised if it becomes known as Retina Plus). This high-resolution display will also bring full support for new user interface designs that are coming in iOS 10.3. These include pull-to-refresh gestures and swipe-to-go back functions. While these UX elements may seem small individually, their appearance on every app will make it feel like your phone is better than ever without buying a new device.

Apple will add an updated chipset

The iPhone 14 is expected to be built using Apple's new A14 chipset, which they first announced in 2014. The new chip will offer a faster processor and allow developers to create more responsive apps. This is an essential aspect of any smartphone: keeping your software up-to-date helps ensure smoother performance and prevents bugs from affecting your day-to-day usage. With every update, software gets faster and better at handling different tasks, which means you don't have to wait for your phone as much anymore! Of course, Apple is so successful at developing new chips because they control both hardware and software development.
Apple will increase storage sizes

In 2018, Apple shocked consumers by doubling its models' storage capacities. While at first glance, it seemed that Apple had dramatically increased costs with no notable benefit to users, it soon became apparent that doubling storage sizes dramatically affected storage capacities on all models. The 64 GB model jumped from 53 GB to 106 GB, and even 256 GB units jumped from 261 GB to 524 GB! This supersizing will continue into 2019, with many new phones offering 512GB of storage (and higher). For many consumers more concerned about price than size, paying an extra $50 for a larger capacity could save them hundreds of external complicated drive purchases in future years.

Apple will reduce camera bump and add water resistance

While there is no specification for how much water Apple's new iPhones will be resistant to, it's a safe bet that they'll survive an accidental drop in a sink or downpour of rain. While waterproofing may not sound like something you want on your phone, think about when you got home and realized your phone was damp. Water resistance helps prevent that from happening again and gives buyers peace of mind should anything happen to their device. It also means Apple won't have to compromise camera quality to ensure everything fits in a thin space since it doesn't need to worry about keeping out dust and water.

A larger battery

Although Apple's phones tend to last longer than other devices, their batteries still don't compare to those of more traditional smartphones. A larger battery could allow for a device with even better battery life. Combine that with faster charging; users might not need to worry about charging during a typical day out. They may be able to charge up halfway through—if they even need to and then top off overnight. (It also goes without saying that a larger battery is essential if Apple wants to incorporate foldable display technology into its phone design.)

All in all, it will still be the same phone everyone loves.

Most consumers aren't interested in flashy new features but are more interested in minor improvements. For example, last year's phone had a 4k camera; next year, it will have a 4.2k camera. The speakers will be 10% louder, with a battery life that drains 5% slower than last year's model—who cares? There's something to be said for focusing on what works well and improving upon that instead of innovating for innovation's sake. It won't change much from generation to generation, so why fix what isn't broken?
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