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IT Knowledge | Useful tips before exams!
icon icon Yasmeen icon *
Creator: Yasmeen icon
* Created by: July 29, 2022 - Friday, 11:14 PM
Name: Useful tips before exams!
1. Take breaks. This will help you relax and process new information properly.
2. Turn off the phone, do not go to social networks, and do not go near the TV. You need to find strength in yourself to fight against such desires.
3. Get enough sleep.
4. Don't forget to eat: it gives the body extra strength. However, overeating is harmful. Eating nutritious food usually makes you sleepy and you don't want to study.

5. Try to avoid stressful situations and people's negative thoughts. The conditions during preparation should be as pleasant as possible.

6. Don't rely on a cheat sheet. You may not even be able to download it. If you can't copy (admit it, copying takes a lot of skill), don't even try!

7. Create a place for yourself to study: cozy, comfortable, bright, and equipped with all the necessary items. There should not be a bed in the room: there is a strong possibility of falling asleep on boring topics.

8. Make bulleted lists: they're easy to memorize.

9. Sport is the best way to relax and distract the muscles when sitting for a long time. Also, it is difficult during running, cycling, or similar physical exercises.

10. If you feel that you are not ready to study, start by studying the topics that seem most interesting to you.

11. Go for a walk in the evening. Nerves are tense during preparation. That's why you need some rest.

12. Make a clear preparation plan. Good luck to everyone!
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