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Smartphone Tricks | How to watch live tv channels on mobile?
icon icon Yasmeen icon *
Creator: Yasmeen icon
* Created by: October 13, 2021 - Wednesday, 09:55 AM
Name: How to watch live tv channels on mobile?
PlayStation Plus is the new subsсription for gamers that lets you play games on PlayStation 4, Playstation 3, Playstation 2, Playstation Portable 2, and PSP — all connected to a smartphone and a tablet via Wi-Fi. Having the same feature on your phone may seem tedious, but that is not true. Here is how you can watch live TV on your phone.


How to watch live tv channels on mobile?
PlayStation Plus is the new subsсription for gamers that lets you play games on PlayStation 4, Playstation 3, Playstation 2, Playstation Portable 2, and PSP — all connected to a smartphone and a tablet via Wi-Fi. Having the same feature on your phone may seem tedious, but that is not true. Here is how you can watch live TV on your phone.
To stream live TV on your phone
We have no prerequisites when downloading and installing an app. Here is the list of live TV apps to watch on your phone.
Google Play Store: Android users will be able to stream live TV apps on their phones. You can install the app using the following codes from Google Play Store.


Make sure you are connected to a Wi-Fi connection.
A list of top live TV apps that you can stream on your phone can be viewed below.
How to watch live TV
Now that you have downloaded an app and enabled Wi-Fi, it will be your next step to start watching live TV on your phone. Just have a look at the following live TV apps on your phone screen, these apps will help you watch live TV.
The service is a live television streaming platform with various live TV apps that you can stream on your smartphone.

You can directly download the app, by using the following codes.
Make sure you have the android app installed on your phone
Make sure you are logged into your Razoo account
Make sure you are near the Wi-Fi symbol
Make sure the app is live on your phone
Stream live TV apps on your phone with your skill.
You can use the following codes to watch live TV on your phone.
If you need to watch live TV on your smartphone
Download the zip .zip file.
Copy a copy of the zip file using the macro key you have on your smartphone.
Copy a copy of the zip file with a selection to view the file.
Copy the code of the file in your shortcut.
Copy the code of the zip file in your shortcut
Get to the preview of the area of the code.
Let’s take a look at how you can watch live TV on your phone.
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