logoForum - Remote-controlled hospital experience for future astronauts
Science and technology | Remote-controlled hospital experience for future astronauts
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Creator: Yasmeen icon
* Created by: November 23, 2022 - Wednesday, 06:50 AM
Name: Remote-controlled hospital experience for future astronauts
Although many implants have been developed to deliver drugs into the body, scientists have now developed a drug delivery implant for astronauts or travelers to Mars, which will soon be tested in the weightlessness of space.


The implant has been developed at the Houston Methodist Research Institute and is expected to be used by astronauts on the International Space Station soon. According to Elon Musk's SpaceX company, it will be sent into orbit on the 26th commercial supply mission. On the one hand, its usefulness will be seen in space, and secondly, doctors sitting on earth will test its control aspect. Thus, it will also be the first telemedicine device to work in space.

According to Professor Alessandro Gratoni, associated with the project, it will be tested on a mouse in space, while the process will be automated and this work will be done without the help of an astronaut.

It has very fine nanochannels that will deliver the drug to the body by diffusion. Scientists have previously noted the flow of microscopic liquids in space. This graft will reduce the adverse effects of weightlessness on the rat's muscles.

The patch is similar to a computer chip that will be controlled via Bluetooth from a BlackBerry device. It is hoped that this preliminary experiment can be tested on astronauts, as there is a lack of gravity that weakens the muscles and muscles and is also exposed to radio waves many times. In the long run, their effects can be more negative.

In this way, it can be a remote pharmacy for the people living on earth, which they can use to save human lives.
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