logoForum - Psychologist Lebkowski Has Identified Five Things that People with High Self-esteem Never do
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icon icon Yasmeen icon *
Creator: Yasmeen icon
* Created by: January 25, 2023 - Wednesday, 08:07 AM
Name: Psychologist Lebkowski Has Identified Five Things that People with High Self-esteem Never do
Too low self-esteem is like a broken leg: you won't die from it, but living fully will be more difficult. Therefore, it is worth working on your attitude towards yourself. Not all people can boast of high self-esteem. No matter how much people in modern society talk about how important it is to love yourself, putting this rule into practice is difficult.

Psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky, in his telegram channel, explained what not to do for those who want to raise their self-esteem.
First of all, stop constantly asking others about how you look. " Do you think I got fat?" - with such a question, a person with high self-esteem will not pester girlfriends and relatives.
And if you didn't ask any questions, but someone else tries to give you advice, either ignore it or give a firm answer. A confident person will not allow his boundaries to be violated and will not waste time on such interlocutors.
Another thing that people with normal self-esteem usually don't do is they don't respond to compliments and praise with phrases like "What are you? It's not like that." If you were told that today you look great - do not convince the interlocutor of the opposite; thank him for his kind words.
Also, if you want to love yourself, stop asking for help from salespeople and friends when choosing clothes and other things. It will be you who will wear the clothes - so the choice is yours. Learn to listen to yourself and your feelings.
Finally, people with high self-esteem love themselves. "If I had thinner legs, I would be beautiful." For yourself, you must be beautiful from head to toe.
Labkovsky emphasizes that high self-esteem beats everything; it can be safely considered one of the signs of a healthy psyche. But low self-esteem can be compared to a broken leg: it brings pain and inconvenience, slowing down your path to your intended goal.
By the way,
It happens that a person destroys his self-esteem with his hands, rots himself, and humiliates himself. How such behavior harms mental health and how to learn to live by other rules can be read HERE.
Sometimes, problems with self-esteem can be a symptom of a past illness. You can read more on this topic HERE.
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