logoForum - Scientists have found that people do not feel lonely in green cities
Discussions | Scientists have found that people do not feel lonely in green cities
icon icon Yasmeen icon *
Creator: Yasmeen icon
* Created by: December 19, 2022 - Monday, 11:34 PM
Name: Scientists have found that people do not feel lonely in green cities
Loneliness is a feeling that arises when there is a mismatch between desired and actual social contact. This condition has a negative impact on both mental and physical health, which in the future can cause the development of depression and problems with the cardiovascular system.


A group of scientists from the UK conducted a study in which about 800 people took part, they were asked the following questions for several days: "Where are you now? What does the environment around you look like? What emotions are you experiencing?"

It turned out that staying in an environment with a large number of people and high-rises (that is, megacities) increases the feeling of loneliness by 38%. However, people were 28% less likely to feel lonely in urban settings with natural features such as trees, plants, and birds.

If there are no parks and squares near your home or work, then try to fill your home with live plants and flowers, your mental health will become much better.
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