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* Created by: October 11, 2022 - Tuesday, 10:33 AM
Name: How to save money fast on a low income
Save money on products that are not important to you. So what is not considered important?
1. Mobile phones. Think carefully, why do you need such a miniature computer? Do you use all its possibilities in practice? In most cases, mobile phones are used only for making calls, receiving calls, and also SMS. A lot of money spent on its other great features will go to waste.


2. Sweets (cakes, various pastries, sugar, chocolate, crackers, etc.). A world of sweets is spent on these products.

3. Do not get used to one brand. Try using products from other manufacturers as well. Then you can find a relatively high-quality and cheaper option. Plan your purchases in advance. By buying something in haste, you will, first of all, seriously damage your personal (family) budget.

Second, you'll feel guilty thinking about buying something better with that money later. Think before buying a new item. Then it will be possible to choose the desired model without haste and pay for it. Learn to control your impulses to buy things. If you suddenly see something in the store that you can't imagine living without, and you're ready to buy it right away, don't be in a hurry. Be patient for 2-3 days, then come to this store again and listen to your inner voice - do you still think you can't live without it? Control your shopping impulses and refrain from buying anything under their influence.
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